Overnight this tree in our front yard started blooming. For weeks it was barren and it seemed that nothing was happening. But somewhere late in the midnight hour, God shifted the atmosphere and turned things around for our tree. It went from stark naked at dusk to these little vibrant popcorn-sized clusters of blooms.
This image is from yesterday's sunset. I love how the light peeks through this tree's situation and shines such a beautiful light. That's how it is with whatever you are going through. Maybe you're in a season where you feel like you are barren and not producing. It could be relationally, professionally, etc. Like this tree, we all go through those times where God has to remove some things from us. And in the process, we feel unproductive and barren. But it won't always look like that. God is preparing you to receive the bountiful blessing that's in store.
Think about it - how would this image look if the old, dried and crackling leaves were still on the branches as the new blossoms were coming forth? There wouldn't be enough room. Something would have to give.
If we can be like this tree and stand still and transparent before God, then our situations can change, too, late in the midnight hour. Get ready to bloom! Let God shine God's light on your situation and watch what happens!
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